Google’s Gemini Multimodal Live API provides developers with tools to build AI applications that process and respond to real-time multimodal input (audio, video, and text). Heiko Hotz, a Gemini expert at Google, has created a project called Pastra, a comprehensive guide to help developers get started with this technology.
What the guide covers:
- An introduction to the Gemini Multimodal Live API and its capabilities.
- Practical code examples and tutorials for building applications.
- Insights into real-time communication and audio processing techniques used by Gemini, such as low-latency audio chunking and system Voice Activity Detection (VAD).
Getting started with the guide:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Add your API key: Update the index.html files manually in all the sub directories with your API key, or use the command and replace the text “add your key here” with your key:
find . -name index.html -exec sed -i '' 's/const apiKey = '\''<YOUR_API_KEY>'\''/const apiKey = '\''add your key here'\''/g' {} \
- Start the server:
- Explore the examples: Open https://localhost:8000 in your browser.
The guide offers a practical starting point for developers interested in exploring the potential of the Gemini Multimodal Live API for building interactive AI applications. Have fun!